Monday, September 24, 2012

King me or Kill me

My Blogger friend Gambino is about to reopen his new male mesh
store soon. He told me that there will be a ton of new clothing to look forward too.
That being said, I decided to blog one of his older mesh sweatshirts. Its pretty pimp with the collar attachment. You can still buy this sweatshirt from him directly for 200L. Just IM Blake Kwan and he will hook ya up cholo!
Sweatshirt- LDNBOY .SPECIAL EDITION . Vegas Sweater: IM Blake Kwan
Hair- [CheerNo] Meshair Nadine New male Mesh Hair!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Ok so I'm a tad bit late on this event but decided to blog it anyways. There
is this crazy event going on called The Arcade event,Tp to the Arcade event!, and I was randomly Tped there by my gf Rylie. She was feeding this one necklace machine with a crap load of lindens, trying to get this one rare Stage Pearl Necklace. She told me that she had been there for hours on this one machine. So I decided to give it a go and what do ya know! First try, BAM, got the Stag necklace (pearl)! Safe to say that she was not to happy afterwards......

Good One                                                          Meh...Alright, better luck next time baha!
Shoes- 2Real STACKZ


Last but not least as you can see above the epic store, 2REAL, has just released some new kicks.
The models are STACKS and E-Wings. They have many different colors to choose from to give ya a unique swag style. Here are a few examples!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Grind House sukas!

Next few posts I will be doing is gonna be a tad bit out of my element. Going to go with a 1970's
Grind House Film clothing style. For those who don't know the definition of grind house cinema its basically movies that were made, still made, in the 1970's through late 80's. And these were usually B style cheesy horror movies. Movies that were so bad that they were just fun to watch. Enjoy!  



Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Utopia has this wicked nose bleed tattoo layers that I could not pass up! LM is below if you want to pick it up inworld.

Bloody Nose Tat- -UtopiaH- Drip Nose
Vest- [UD] Denim Vest Day Dreamer 
Shoes- {Elygo} Spike Sneakers 

Friday, September 7, 2012

My friend Karma added some new stuff to her store, Wonderland, Make sure you check it out homes! Wonderland